4 Star |
$1,000,000+ |
3 Star |
$500,000 |
2 Star |
$250,000 |
1 Star |
$100,000 |
Basic Officer Class 1-69
"After visiting the Museum, several classmates were so impressed with how well the history of the Corps was told that they wanted to help perpetuate that history, but how? Although members of one platoon generally had friends in the other platoons, working together as one class brought us closer as a company. We realized we could raise funds for a gift to the MCHF that would recognize our class and help preserve our Marine Corps history. The experience of working together towards a common goal and having confidence in what we could achieve drove us forward. We took pride in achieving the status of Commandant’s Circle and in seeing BOC 1-69 etched into the Museum’s wall. It was also powerful for our friends and family to see. Now 1-69 will forever be remembered in the National Museum of the Marine Corps." |
Colonel Tom Dalzell USMC (Ret)
"My 31 years in the Marine Corps was for me a truly inspiring and rewarding experience. It shaped who I am both personally and professionally. I learned the true meaning of words I had only heard or read about: duty, honor, courage, loyalty and sacrifice. I learned that values matter. I was taught the importance of discipline. I learned that faith matters, a faith in your God and a faith in your fellow Marine. Support of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation and the Marine Corps Museum for me is a feeling of social conscience, a responsibility, a moral duty to share the values and principles of what it means to be a Marine. I think it’s important for people to learn the history of the Marines so people remember. Never forget." |
Cpl Robert Pickle
Cpl Robert Pickle was discharged from the United States Marine Corps after serving in the Korean war. His lifelong respect and admiration for the Corps deepened and continues to this day. Years later, he received a letter from the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation relaying the plans to build a museum dedicated to telling the history of the Corps and asking for financial support to make the National Museum of the Marine Corps a reality. After Bob made a modest donation, he was kept up to date on the progress of the construction, right up to the grand opening on 10 November 2006, the 231st birthday of the Corps. By getting to know a Foundation staff member, he continued to learn more about the project and wanted to visit the Museum. Says Bob, “as a proud Marine, seeing the Museum was even more impressive than I had imagined. Supporting the Foundation became my top philanthropic priority, and I am honored to be a member of the Commandant’s Circle. I continue to be impressed by the Foundation’s work and its professional staff, and I have great confidence in knowing that this is an organization worthy of my support. However, my gifts pale in comparison to the ultimate gift given by my fellow Marines, with whom I trained and fought.” |
2nd Battalion, 4th Marines Association, Inc.
5th SBC of 1951 Thomas F. Ackerman & Family John J. Aglialoro A Grateful Citizen Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP The Alfiero Family Foundation Arthur L. Allen AM General American Trucking Associations James H. Amos Jr. Walter Anderson Anheuser-Busch Foundation Michael S. Ansari Cpl Reverge Anselmo USMC Maj Edgar D. Aronson USMCR Capt Arthur W. Arundel USMC AT&T Corporation A Thankful Marine BAE Systems North America Bud & Suzanne Baker H. Furlong Baldwin Bank of America Corporation Col Roger Barnard & Col Sue Hoeft USMC Basic Officer Class 1-69 Basic Officer Class 3-57 James E. Bassett III Battelle Mr. Stephen D. Bechtel Jr. USMC Bell Connor Davis Bell Capt Richard J. Bell USMCR Col Roy L. Belli USMC & Sara C. Belli LtGen Robert R. Blackman Jr. USMC Walter C. Bladstrom Cpl Samuel R. Blount Robert Blum The Boeing Company General and Mrs. Walter E. Boomer Patrick T. Brent The Brink's Company Macon F. Brock Jr. Austin Brockenbrough III Capt John G. Brunner J. Stewart Bryan III Mark Edward Bryant Robert N. Burt Robert E. Bush, C.M.H. The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation, Inc. C. D. Spangler Foundation, Inc. The C. E. and S. Foundation Col Marshall N. Carter USMCR Capt George P. Caulkins USMCR China Marine Association Mr. & Mrs. William A. Chittenden Chosin Few Warriors & Support Units Cpl Walter L. Christenson USMC Col Richard A. Christie USMC LtGen Ron & Sherry Christmas Commonwealth of Virginia The Community Foundation of Louisville ConocoPhillips, Inc. Capt F. M. Mike Corrigan USMC MajGen and Mrs. John T. Coyne USMC Carlton B. Crenshaw USMC Officer - Vietnam Capt & Mrs. Harry Lee Crisp III Cpl Harry L. and Rosemary Crisp II Nancy Crutchfield Estate Edward A. Cuccio William T. Curran Capt John R. Cusack MC, USN Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Col Thomas J. Dalzell Lawerence A. Darr Trust The Maj John W. Davenport, Sr. Family MGen & Mrs. Hollis E. Davison Capt Timothy T. Day USMCR Stephen R. Dinnerstein, MD Dominion Foundation William H. Donaldson Capt Percy S. Douglas USMCR Capt & Mrs. John M. Dowd The Charles L. Drury, Jr. Family LtGen Leo J. Dulacki, USMC Archie & Linda Dunham DynCorp International Ambassador Richard J. Egan USMCR Major Harry D. Elms USMC Stephen M. Elms LtGen Hugh M. Elwood USMC Gordon and Jean Evans Richard T. Farmer Estate and Trust of Billie M. French FedEx Corporation Fentress Architects, Ltd. Curtis W. Fentress Ronald I. Fields First Horizon National Corporation Nancy Faith Fisher Florida Rock Industries Foundation Col & Mrs. James L. Fowler USMCR Tom and Karen Frana Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold Mr. Billie M. French John K. and Elaine French Major Richard Gannon II USMC Capt David Ganz USMC Col James and Mary Ellen Garner USMC General Dynamics General Electric Company General Motors Company Alan Gerry Capt Robert H. & Sue A. Gersky Gladys Brooks Foundation Glock, Inc. Phillips J. Goodenough Thomas Miller Gordon The Gorilla Glue Company Bruce & Nancy Gottwald Capt Tone N. Grant USMC Grateful in New Jersey Col & Mrs. Todd H. Griffis USMC Maj William A. Grubbs III John August Guilbert Col William R. Hackney III USMCR Donald L. Hall Col G. F. Robert Hanke USMC Earl C. Hargrove, Jr. Milledge A. Hart, III Capt R. C. Hartnack MajGen & Mrs. Albert C. Harvey USMCR Health Management Associates, Inc. The Hearst Foundation, Inc. Desmond J. Heathwood Dr. E. Bruce Heilman The Hershey Company Col Donald Higginbotham USMCR W. J. Hindman Bruce & Eileen Hooper William W. Hooper LtGen Jefferson D. and Janel Howell Col & Mrs. Vance Hobert Hudgins USMC David H. Hugel Maj Robert J. Hugin The Humana Foundation G. Watts Humphrey, Jr. Capt George M. Humphrey II USMC Mr. and Mrs. David Humphreys Infor ITT Corporation Bert A. Jakobson Estate Clyde & Toni Johnston David & Betty Jones Cpl Dennis M. Jones USMC Richard C. Jones Jr. S. Michael Joseph Paul D. & Colleen Kalsbeek Family Thomas F. Kane Seung Hee & Ae Ja Kang Yongmee Michele Kang Major Edmund P. Karam USMCR Frederic E. Karl Maj Robert R. Keadle USMCR |
General & Mrs. Paul X. Kelley
LtCol John & Eileen Kern LtGen William M. Keys USMC KIHOMAC, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Chol-i Capt Adrian Renz King USMC James D. & Susan King Donald & Ellie Knauss Ted & Pauline Kolankiewicz Kramer Family Foundation Eddie M. Kramer Kresge Foundation The Krongard Foundation General Charles C. Krulak USMC Victor H. Krulak, Jr. LtGen Victor H. "Brute" Krulak USMC The Kump Family Lakeside Foundation LtCol Louis R. Lepore USMCR Alfred & Norma Lerner Randolph D. Lerner Leupold & Stevens, Inc. Sherman R. Lewis, Jr. Richard B. Lieb Lillian S. Wells Foundation, Inc. Lipper Family Charitable Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation Vernon R. Loucks, Jr. Robert A. Lutz ManTech International Corp. Marine Corps League National Headquarters Marine Federal Credit Union Kenneth B. Marlin Veronica M. Mato Edmund and Maureen Matricardi, Jr. Samuel Williams Meek, Jr. Maj & Mrs. T.B. "Mac" McClelland, Jr. 2ndLt Paul N. "Pete" McCloskey Martin G. McGuinn BGen & Mrs. Jerry McKay USMC Media General, Inc. Metroplex Military Charitable Trust Military Order of the Purple Heart Service Foundation Lester S. Miller, Jr. A. Malachi Mixon III Thomas S. Monaghan The Robert S. Morrison Family Motiva Enterprises LLC The Moxley Family Foundation The Moxley Marines General & Mrs. Carl E. Mundy, Jr. Thomas G. Murdough, Jr. Capt USMCR Sgt Joseph M. Murphy Irving J. Nast Estate Navy Federal Credit Union Pfc Russell W. & Brenda Necaise Robert and Janice Norton MGen Douglas V. O'Dell & Family Curtis O'Hara Foundation LtCol Nelson M. Olf USMC LtGen and Mrs. Stephen G. Olmstead USMC (Ret) Oshkosh Defense Rosewell Page III David R. & Nancy C. Parker Marc and Janice Chan Parrott Patricio Enterprises The Patrick F. Taylor Foundation LCpl Bob Parsons George J. and Marilyn A. Pederson Cpl J. Stephen & Mercedes Penner PepsiCo, Inc. The Ross Perot Family Pfizer, Inc. Phelps Dodge Corporation Charles E. Phillips Jr. USMC Robert "Bob" Pickle USMC Pinch A Penny Pratt & Whitney Prince William County Government Col Sara J. Pritchett USMC Jennifer N. Pritzker Cory Neville Radley Captain Howard Nicholas Ragland III Raytheon Company Sgt Don Reid, USMC Frederick Brant Rentschler The Rhodes and Jones Family Marines Joseph L. Rice III Robert C. Richardson Paul A. Rivas Cpl Joseph E. Robert III USMC William "B.J." & Mary Jo Robison Edward J. Robson James C. Roddey Rolls-Royce North America, Inc. O. Karl & Inge A. Rose Michael J. Ross Sgt George L. Rumelt USMCR Col Robert W. Rust USMCR LtCol Terry Ryan USMC & Trish Ryan Skip & Gail Sack MajGen C. Dean and Velda Sangalis USMCR The John A. Scarsella, Jr. Family The William J. Schoen Family John B. Schulze Chuck & Rita Scianna Family Steve & Paula Scianna & Family Science Applications International Corporation Shell Oil Company The Honorable George P. Shultz Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Hardwick Simmons Stanley "Buddy" Sklar The Sloan Foundation Mr. Sheldon A. Smesrud Sgt Alan B. Smith USMC Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Smith SSgt. Derek & Brandi Somerville, USMC Robert Sook Charles A. Spadafora Family Michael R. Spak USMC Richard V. Spencer Robert B. Starke, Jr. Stone Energy Corporation Capt James H. Stone USMCR Robert D. Storey Capt William J. & Lydia J. Strickland Capt Samuel Y. Stroh USMC David L. Stulb USMC Michael and Mary Sudzina Dr. and Mrs. Richard Sugden & Family Arthur Ochs Sulzberger & Allison S. Cowles Steven and Cathy Sutton Patrick F. Taylor TBS Class 6-68 In Honor of Our VN Fallen Howard Terpning Textron, Inc Fred A. Thomas Thornton D. & Elizabeth S. Hooper Foundation Sgt Eugene J. Tichacek Timothy T. Day Foundation, Inc. Maj Edward J. Toohey USMCR Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Carlton O. Tronvold The Tronvold Foundation Cpl Chester Ray Trout USMC Dr. Monroe E. and Sandra L. Trout Mrs. Jo-Una Villani Vulcan Materials Company Wachovia Corporation Mahlon B. Wallace III Steven Wallace MGen Mitchell J. & Cindy F. Waters Col Allen E. Weh USMCR Wells Fargo & Company Wetland Solutions/Peterson Companies Lloyd T. & Mary Ann Baker Whitaker Burke W. Whitman LtCol Richard R. Willich USMC General & Mrs. Louis H. Wilson Young Marines Ronald J. & Grace S. Zaczek Michael J. Zak |
Capt Arthur W. Arundel USMC
Col Roger Barnard USMC Walter C. Bladstrom, Jr. J. Stewart Bryan III Robert E. Bush, C.M.H. Col Richard A. Christie USMC Sgt William A. Chittenden USMCR Cpl Walter L. Christenson James & Nancy Crutchfield Lawrence A. Darr Stephen R. Dinnerstein, MD Capt Percy S. Douglas USMCR LtGen Leo J. Dulacki USMC Ambassador Richard J. Egan USMCR Col & Mrs. James L. Fowler USMCR Billie M. French Col Todd H. Griffis USMC Major William A. Grubbs, III USMC John August and Frances M. Guilbert Earl C. Hargrove, Jr. Dr. E. Bruce Heilman Col Donald Higginbotham USMCR Col Sue Hoeft USMC Bruce Hooper Capt George M. Humphrey, II USMC CWO2 Bert A. Jakobson USMC David A. Jones Cpl Dennis M. Jones USMC Richard C. Jones, Jr. Major Edmund P. Karam USMCR Frederic E. Karl General Paul X. Kelley USMC Ted and Pauline Kolankiewicz LtGen Victor H. "Brute" Krulak USMC |
LtCol Louis R. Lepore USMCR
Alfred Lerner Sherman R. Lewis, Jr. Richard B. Lieb Veronica M. Mato Maureen Matricardi Samuel Williams Meek, Jr. General & Mrs. Carl E. Mundy, Jr. Pfc Russell W. & Brenda Necaise David R. Parker Marc Parrott H. Ross Perot Karen C. Radley Frederick B. Rentschler Robert C. Richardson Paul A. Rivas Cpl Joseph E. Robert, III USMC O. Karl & Inge A. Rose Sgt George L. Rumelt USMCR CWO 4 Warren A. Singer USMC Sheldon A. Smesrud Charles A. Spadafora Michael R. Spak USMC Capt James H. Stone USMCR Capt Samuel Y. Stroh USMC Arthur Ochs Sulzberger & Allison S. Cowles Patrick F. Taylor Maj Edward J. Toohey USMCR Cpl Chester Ray Trout USMC Mahlon B. Wallace, III Steven Wallace MajGen Mitchell J. Waters USMC Lloyd T. Whitaker General & Mrs. Louis H. Wilson |
1775 Semper Fidelis Way
Triangle, VA 22172 view map Toll Free: 800.397.7585 Local: 703.640.7965 Email: [email protected] Museum Store: 1.888.315.1775 |
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